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2 posts tagged with "opensource"

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· 3 min read

LibreOffice Conference Indonesia 2018

Foto dari Edwin Zakaria

Awalnya saya ogah-ogahan pergi ke LibreOffice Conference 2018, karena saya jarang pakai perangkat lunak perkantoran (Office Application) sebagai hasil dari kebiasaan menulis dengan markdown. Kenapa markdown? Karena di tempat kerja saya, satu-satunya alasan untuk menulis adalah menulis dokumentasi pengembangan perangkat lunak yang biasa kami simpan di wiki github atau wiki gitlab.

· 4 min read

openSUSE Asia Summit 2017

Ever heard openSUSE Asia Summit? Well, it's an event for openSUSE user and contributor in Asia. If you dont' know what openSUSE is, openSUSE is a GNU/Linux distribution, it's free means you are free to use, modify, redistribute, contribute and anything. Still have no clue? It's okay for you young man, openSUSE mostly used by elder people, ancient society, people who already retired because its simplicity and easiness in term of usability. You don't need to understand command line just to install an application like Arch does.


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